I know it’s late (I'm rationalizing staying up this late because I took a nap earlier!), but I just had to get online and share a few photos of our little Phoebe. I’m still not feeling well enough to go see her, but Shalae and Jon have been sending photos via e-mail for me to enjoy.
The doctor told me I need to wait at least 12 hours once my temperature is normal before going to see Phoebe (or her family, for that matter). I have NEVER taken my temperature so many times in a day! And I’m grateful to say that it was lower today than yesterday.
You’ll think I’m silly, but I had a friend buy me a second thermometer today just to be sure I was getting an accurate reading. Pretty desperate, huh? Unfortunately, the reading wasn't any different! I’m just so excited to start my week of staying with the Browns—something I promise the girls I’ll do after each child is born. Maybe soon…
Ashton (older) and Cooper love their baby sister and want to know if she can play trains with them or if she can nap on the playset (maybe the slide???) while they play outside. Shalae tells them that the day will come, but for now they need to be happy just holding her. I know I'm happy seeing these pictures!
I'm off to bed now, but you can bet I'll share more photos soon. . . .